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Drawn to Water

Without siting an overused Jimmy Buffett lyric about change, I start humming the tune and reminding myself that indeed..

“if we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane”

It is human nature to try to avoid change, they call it a comfort zone for a reason. 2020 brought about changes to every aspect of our lives at breakneck speed. We all need to find our way of adapting, finding new normals.

The timing of the pandemic coincided with major life changing events personally. Some we chose, some we didn’t, but really, choosing to change does not make the adjustment any easier.

When change of course is necessary, fly the Charlie flag

We are on an adventure in this next chapter of our lives. From Pewaukee, WI to Colorado to Charleston we are discovering new perspectives. Building on our past involvement in sailing regattas – from food to race management and our curiosity for the “off the beaten path”, we are making connections in an area we have always wanted to experience – lowcountry of South Carolina.


We’d love to share our experiences and things we are passionate about with you. We want to be a resource and share experiences across our unique intersection of empty-nest (but not yet retired), family, sailing, food, drinks, travel, and fun!

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Lighthouse stairs
Lighthouse steps at Hunting Island State Park

#drawntowater #pewaukeeyachtclub #escowbluechip #charlestonyachtclub #chs #charleston

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ben Biwer

    Love this! Can’t wait to see what comes next! Love you guys.

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